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Jesse's Chaos Newsletter #5, I think?

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Welcome back to another wild week in the world of Jesse Vitelli. Where I update you on everything happening in my life, and everything not happening in my life. I’m deep in wedding season, and that means I’m becoming even more self-aware at how single I am and how much I’m beginning to dislike it. Normally I don’t care about these types of things, I like to go with the flow, see where life takes me, and not tie myself down to commitments or obligations. However, there’s something about watching all of your friends fall in love and start a new chapter of their lives that has me a little more self-reflective than usual.

It’s fun to be the goofy friend, who is a little unpredictable, updates people on his life via an email newsletter, and is always flying off to some corner of the country for a new thing. But it’s also nice to think about putting down roots, and maybe finding someone to share this brain rot to directly, as opposed to having to infect everyone else with it. Anyways, that’s enough of me being vulnerable, that’s not what y’all signed up for.

Drinking and getting older

I’m a social drinker, I don’t drink at home, but when i’m out, I love to indulge with the vibes. However, I’m having to come to terms with the fact that as I get older, the recovery period for a hangover extends outward. A night of drinking would knock me out for a few hours the next day, but now it’s more like a few days. I' feel like I’m still recovering from the wedding last weekend and it’s been over a week. It’s never fun to be confronted with the fact that our bodies peak early, and then slowly decay for the rest of our lives. Who designed us this way? I want a refund!

Turning 30

On the topic of fighting the years we can’t beat, I turn 30 next month. I’m not having as much existential dread about it as I thought, but it’s weird to think about. I had a really good 20’s filled with friends, love, laughter, and plenty of bad internet. I’m looking forward to the changes that will happen, and I can’t wait any longer to get that back pain everyone keeps talking about.

Giant Jenga

I was thinking about the great bar and yard games of our time. Cornhole, Spike Ball, Beer Pong, etc. But, do any compare to Giant Jenga? There’s something communal about everyone being excited when the giant tumbling tower of wood comes crashing down. The visceral sound of it hitting the table or concrete floor, the distant “oohs” and “ahhs” you hear from folks not even playing, there’s few things that compare. It’s a simple concept, that everyone can pick up and play, or enjoy equally as a spectator sport. But Giant Jenga takes the cake, whoever said “jenga but bigger” honestly deserves a noble peace prize. This shit unites all of us under the banner of a brisk fall day outside.

Projects update

I’m back at GamesRadar this week, so if you like news, there ya go. I have a couple of other freelance pieces in the works that you’ll hear about down the line.

I also may or may not be returning to the world of podcasting, but I can’t say much about that project just yet, but I think there’s something cool cooking right now, and I think it’s more exciting than you think it is.

I’ve started watching whole movies on TikTok

The title really says it all here. I don’t know when, or how it happened, but I’ll lay in bed at night and scroll TikTok for hours before I’ve realized I just watched 50 minutes of a film in sixty second chunks. I’ll see one clip, from halfway through a film, go to the account that posted it and watch 15 other parts. Sorry to all my film friends, but your medium is broken.

I need Halloween costumes

Please send me all good funny 2024 Halloween costume ideas, seriously, I need them. just Dm them to me at your earliest convenience thank you.

David and I got a chess board

Closet of doom

I was cleaning out my closet, which was a mess! And I found a ton of weird shit from years ago that got shove din the back of the closet and never saw the light of day for like 8 years. Anyway, I found a chess board and now David and I sit outside on the porch and play chess like old people. It rules. I highly recommend playing chess outside.

This feels like enough

Ok thanks for reading. I feel like the closet picture is enough anxiety for a week now. Luckily, it’s mostly organized now just waiting on some more hangars and one of those cool plastic cube organizers for stuff. Maybe a new a picture to cleanse your eyes will come next week, who knows!