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Jesse Vitelli Weekly Newsletter 2

Send News - A Jesse Vitelli Newsletter

What’s up with so many donut places getting super fancy with it? I’m not complaining but I feel like artisanal donuts have become such a big trend in the last few years. Theses motherfuckers have come up with the most over the top shit, like shit my high as fuck college ass would think about at 3am.

Maybe it’s our constant need to feel like every thing we do in our live has to be a “moment” and donuts as dessert have just gotten to that point. Anyway, here are some donuts I had on Saturday at a bbq with my pals.

Some life updates

I actually published some freelance work this week, which feels like a rarity these days. I’ve been so busy with other shit in my life, but it felt nice to actually do some writing work over the last week.

If you missed it I published my Metaphor: ReFantazio preview over at Digital Trends. At this point it’s my most anticipated game of the year. It’s Studio Zero at their potential best. I won’t get into it too much here, but you can read the full preview below if you’re interested.

Preview events are always so hit or miss. Between the game and venue, it’s a big commitment to give your entire day to going to check something out, but the Metaphor preview was wild. Saw a bunch of out of town friends, and went to a church that they decked out for the occasion. This happened a few weeks ago, but it was embargoed until the end of last week. So I can post pictures and talk about it now.

I also started news writing over at GamesRadar+ for the next couple of weeks, which is fun. I always love working with a new team and getting to extend my reach in the industry. So keep your eyes peeled for more of my shit over there.

CROC IS BACK. This was easily the biggest update in my life this week. Croc: legend of the Gobbos was this mid ass platformer on the PS1. Realistically it should never be brought back, but they are remastering it, and it’s the funniest fucking thing. I love that game to pieces and I’m so excited to make it my personality again.

I remember going to work with my dad and playing it on his PlayStation when i was like 6. Sitting in the theater basement just grinding it out, turning that mindset into a grindset.

Nyquil Chicken

Something y’all need to know about me, is I love those cursed food recipes on TikTok. Like anything that just looks terrible. The problem with giving everyone a microphone and camera, means that everyone thinks they are an armchair expert. So watching crazy white women make the most absurd raw meat concoctions is beyond entertaining.

The other night the group chat was watching a compilation of these vids, and we came across. One that was a parody, but has not left my brain. Cooking chicken breasts in Nyquil goes crazy, and Nyquil Chicken is one of the funniest things I’ve seen all week.

The human race continues to prove that we should not exist.

New Quotes just dropped

I only had a few things I felt were worth writing down this week.

Depressions per second

Jesse Vitelli

Keeping thoughts in your head instead of saying them aloud is just like your IRL Twitter Drafts

Jesse Vitelli

Soup at 7am goes hard

Jesse Vitelli

Rumors of My Wellness

My friend Desmond’s band Career Day dropped a certified banger of a track last week. I didn’t write about it in last weeks newsletter, but it’s basically all I've been listening to. Rumors of my Wellness is on streaming everywhere now and I highly recommend check it out. Career Day is one of those bands that entered the space with pointed criticisms about race, class disparity, and the way we often brush over the bad shit going on in the world if we know the people complicit in it.

One From the Vault

Sometimes I like to go way back in my YouTube watch History and see the weird shit I’ve watched over the years. So here’s a video that you’ve probably seen before, but one that I found in my backlog.

Summer is Over

With Labor Day Weekend coming to a close, that means it’s officially Fall in my brain. This also means we are one step closer to Halloween. So here is my favorite Halloween costume from recent years. The Gabaghoul.

Closed out the summer with a BBQ and pool hang with friends. naturally the conversation evolved as drinks were consumed and glizzies gobbled. We somehow got to a point where we were arguing over if Tony the Tiger is an influencer, and it got me thinking. That fucking Tiger could probably sell me PCP in under a minute. So yeah, I’m on team Tony the Tiger is an influencer.

You think you’re friends with someone until you learn that some of the most mundane topics can turn into warcrime level takes. Did you know someone doesn’t just dislike peanut butter and jelly, but actively thinks it should be removed form storefronts? That’s wild.

It’s time for pumpkin picking, fall day drinking, cool weather activities, and your average ritual sacrifice.

Ok That’s it For Now

Pretty average week in the life of Jesse if we’re being honest. Saw friends, worked, and played some games. Hope you enjoyed my musings this week, and remember you get one of these every week on Monday at 12 pm est. As always, feel free to share this with others if they want to signup for whatever reason. I’ve included the link the sign up if you want to give it to someone you know. The only thing funnier than updating the people I know in my life about random shit, is updating people I don’t know via email.

Ok, now that’s it.

Free Palestine.